We are happy to announce that you are welcome to visit our open dentist office in Highland Heights, KY. We have added procedures to protect our patients and team members against COVID-19 and other infections. Please read about our new procedures below, and then call 859-781-3090 for an appointment.
Dear Patient(s),
We are so very excited to announce that we are once again open and able to provide dental services for you, our valued patients. Northern Kentucky Dental Care reopened on May 6th, 2020.
While things are certainly not “business as usual,” we wanted to let you know we are here for you in our clean, comfortable, and safe environment. Our standards are well “above and beyond” what the American Dental Association and Centers for Disease Control recommend. We love what we do and the people we do it for. We are always here for you.
Dr. Theiss and all team members here at Northern Kentucky Dental Care will continue to go above and beyond for our patients … it is second nature. For this and many other reasons, many of our patients have trusted their care with us for years.
We very much look forward to seeing you, your family, and your friends very soon.
Dr. Theiss
Northern Kentucky Dental Care